these past few weeks have included the following activities:

working late into the night with murray...

...farewell-ing him at his 'mile-high' themed party...

...and then stealing his old plaid shirt and crying upon his departure.

photographing Julio (briony- the genius) for our website.

sitting around and thinking on my balcony.

gazing upon my camera-shy doe

and buying amazing owl mugs from Don Bosco on Sydney rd for 30c each.

Thats about it really. Well there have been lots of things going on in amongst all of that but I'm too lazy to post about them now. Maybe tomorrow. Stay warm. x


dell said...

jeez yr cute girlie, and I am SO jealous of your owlie mugs... SO jealous...

Anonymous said...

I think you can add "fixing the life of my friends" to that list.

rhymes with pony said...

great outfit, great mugs.
and i do like a pictorial post
